Running mzOS as a script

Perform analysis

Installing mzOS made a script available in your current environnement. It is called mzos. The aim of this script is to perform an analysis given a XCMS peaklist:

  • Deisotoping
  • Feature annotation (adducts, fragments)
  • Database search (only HMDB and LMSD are supported for now)
  • Annotation confidence estimation
    • using network presence/missing metabolites information (Bayesian inference)
    • using observed/theoritical isotopic pattern


parser.add_argument("-x", "--xcms_pkl", type=str, help="path to the xcms peaklist", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-p", "--polarity", default='negative', choices=['negative', 'positive'], help='experiment polarity', required=True)
parser.add_argument("--mz_tol_ppm", type=float, default=10.0, help='mass over charge tolerance', required=False)
parser.add_argument("--dims", default=False, action='store_true', help='direct infusion MS experiment', required=False)
parser.add_argument('--db', default='hmdb', choices=['hmdb', 'lmsd', 'hmdb + lmsd'], required=False)
parser.add_argument("--output", type=str, default="annotations.tsv", required=False)
parser.add_argument("--bayes", default=True, required=False)


Simply the path to the XCMS peaklist


Polarity used to acquire spectra. Should be 'negative' or 'positive'


Tolerance in mass precision used in algorithm (in ppm). Defautlt 10.


If the experiment is a direct infusion experiment True or False.


Database to search for. 'hmdb' or 'lmsd' or 'hmdb + lmsd'


Path to the result directory


Perform Bayesian algorithm or not (can be time consuming). True or False.


Be sure to activate the virtual environnement where you installed mzOS.

mzos --xcms_pkl C:\Users\M\xcms_results.tsv --polarity 'negative' --db 'hmdb + lmsd' --output '.\annotations.csv'

Result file

Matrix with several columns:

  • id: id of the feature.

  • mz: mass over charge

  • time: time elution

  • Main putative attribution: the most probable tag that can be assigned to this feature. It can be:

    • a monoistope + n isotopes + n adducts/fragments

    • an isotope (C13 ...)

    • an adduct

    • a fragment

    • nothing

  • Main attribution pattern composition: one of the most important column, showing all relations between features. For example:

    • feature detected as an isotope in Main putative tag shows Isotope C13 of 2546 for charge=1. Here you can find to which feature it has been detected as a C13 isotope. You have also a charge information.

    • feature detected as a monoisotope:

  • Putative secondary attributions: All possible other attributions (or tag) that algorithm found but set as secondary (main is considered as the most probable)

  • Putative annotation: matching metabolite(s)

  • Putative formula: chemical formula of the matching metabolite

  • Inchi: inchi metabolite formula

  • Database_id: Database Id such as HMDB_ID and KEGG_ID

  • Isotopic pattern matching score: RMSD between observed and theoritical isotopic pattern intensities

  • Annotation assignment probability: Using network analysis to infer a presence probability using a bayesian algorithm (see metsamp)

  • Annotation pattern composition: Isotopic pattern detected to use the Isotopic pattern matching score